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TV Choice Magazine
TV Choice Magazine
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Jaarabonnement: 51 Nummers | Taal: Engels | Land: Verenigd Koninkrijk
€ 224,95
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TV Choice Magazine Abonnement

TV Choice is the best-selling magazine in Britain with TV listings, a film guide, horoscopes, and news of the most popular shows and programs. News, interviews, updates on programs are included in each issue. Read the interviews to get the gossip about your favorite actor. Get all the gossip on the celebrities. Find out who wore the most expensive dress or the smuttiest one. Read about personal details of your beloved actress. Discover who’s dating who or who is pregnant, and who is breaking up. Find out what happed to the stars of cancelled programs. With full color pictures, read about the actors up close and personal. Find out which actor won best soap actor, best actor or actress in the latest award show. What show won the award for best drama series or best comedy? What about best food show or best reality show? All the awards are revealed in the TV Choice magazine.

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