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Commercial Motor Magazine
Commercial Motor Magazine
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Jaarabonnement: 52 Nummers | Taal: Engels | Land: Verenigd Koninkrijk
€ 324,95
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Commercial Motor Magazine Abonnement

A great weekly trade journal dealing with every aspect of commercial vehicle operations, Commercial Motor magazine offers comprehensive and thorough coverage of the sector. Each issue of this magazine brings you all the latest news from the world of road transport both in the UK and worldwide, including all the political mistakes (sorry, we meant policies) that impact upon the industry, as well as in-depth investigations into areas such as truck crime. It also offers an impressive legal section, offering case reports and legal advice. Commercial Motor also covers used trucks, has a great operations section with buyers’ guides and looks at road haulage in action, and has a huge amount of classified ads covering buying and selling in the industry.

Commercial Motor Magazine kopen in Nederland en België.

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